Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Leda - Leonardo da Vinci

Leda c. 1530
Oil on wood
Leonardo da Vinci
Staatliche Museen - Kassel

Virgin of the Rocks - Leonardo da Vinci

Virgin of the Rocks
Leonardo da Vinci
1506-08- Oil on wood

National Gallery -

Leda and the Swan - Leonardo da Vinci

Leda and the Swan
Leonardo da Vinci

1505-10- Oil on wood

Earl of Pembroke,Wilton House,Salisbury, UK

John the Baptist - Leonardo da Vinci

St. John the Baptist, 1513-16
Leonardo da Vinci
69 x 57 cm (27 1/4 x 22 1/2 in.).
Musée du Louvre, Paris

The Adoration of the Magi

The Adoration of the Magi - 1481
Leonardo da Vinci
246 x 243 cm (96 7/8 x 95 11/16 in)

Tobias and the Angel - Leonardo da Vinci

Tobias and the Angel- 1470-80
Leonardo da Vinci
National Gallery, London

Mona Lisa - Leonardo da Vinci

Mona Lisa - La Gioconda -1503
Leonardo da Vinci
Oil on wood. Louvre

Virgin and Child with St. Anne - Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci -1502-1516
Virgin and Child with St. Anne
Oil on wood - Louvre

Madonna of the Yarnwinder - Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci
Madonna of the Yarnwinder.
Oil on wood-1501.

Portrait - Leonardo da Vinci

Portrait of an Unknown Woman
(La Belle Ferroniere)
Leonardo da Vinci - c.1490
Oil on wood. Louvre

Leonardo da Vinci - Story life - part 10

In 1515, Leonardo was called to Bologna and commissioned to
make a centerpiece for the peace negotiations between
the French King Francis I and Pope Leo X.
This is where he probably first met the French king, who would go on to
become the patron of his latter years. In 1516, Leonardo received an invitation
from Francis I to come to the French court, which he accepted.
He was given residence in Cloux, not far from the King's residence in Amboise
and was appointed "the first painter, engineer and architect of the King".
However, his only obligation was to converse with the 22-year old King, who visited him almost daily. Leonardo died on the 2nd of May, 1519 in Cloux and was buried in the Church of St. Florentine in Amboise.
Leonardo's reputation in his lifetime was immense, and his work visibly influenced many contemporary artists - not only the foremost
Florentine painters of the time - Fra Bartolommeo, Andrea del Sarto and, above all, Raphael
but also painters from Milan and northern Italy - Correggio in Parma, and Giorgione in Venice.

Leonardo da Vinci - Story life - part 10

After the death of Charles d'Amboise in 1511, Leonardo accepted the protection of Giuliano de Medici, brother of the future Pope Leo X, with whom he then traveled to the papal court in Rome. Leonardo, by now 61 years old, apparently hoped to become a court painter there.
However, he never received any major commissions, comparable to those that the Pope had given to Raphael and Michelangelo.
Both these artists were working in Rome at the time
but Leonardo had little direct contact with them. During this time
he probably created St. John the Baptist (c.1513-1516), and there is one more John the Baptist (featuring many attributes of Bacchus, c. 1513-1516), which is also identified with Leonardo.

Leonardo da Vinci - Story life - part 9

From 1506 to 1512, Leonardo lived mostly in Milan under the patronage of Charles D'Amboise, the French governor of the city.
During these years he created Leda and the Swan (c.1505-1510), which is now known only through a number of copies, and the second version
of The Virgin of the Rocks (1506-1508).
He worked on the equestrian statue for General Giangiacomo
Trivulzio, which was -- once again -- never realized.
He also continued his anatomical studies.

Leonardo da Vinci - Story life - part 8

In 1503, Leonardo came back to Florence.
He was commissioned by Francesco del Giocondo, a friend of Leonardo's father, to paint a portrait of the man's wife, Lisa Gherardini del Giocondo.
The result was the Mona Lisa (La Gioconda) (1503-1506), which
was to become one of the most famous pictures in the world, although
the portrait was not finished in time and never delivered to the client.
Leonardo received several more important commissions, including the
commission to decorate the Grand Council Chamber in the Palazzo Vecchio, the seat of government of Florence.
The wall-painting, which Leonardo left unfinished in the spring of 1506 and which
was destroyed
in the middle of the XVI century, depicted the Battle of Anghiari of 1440, when Florentine forces, together with their papal allies, defeated their Milanese opponents near
the town of Anghiari.
At the same time Michelangelo was commissioned to create a painting on the other wall of the same hall (the so-called Battle of Cascina), which was never finished either.

Leonardo da Vinci - Story life - part 7

In 1499, after the defeat of Ludovico Sforza by the French, Leonardo left Milan.
After briefly visiting Mantua, he moved on to Venice where he served as a military engineer.
In 1500, he returned to the city of his childhood, Florence.
There, he worked on a commission for the Servite monastery, which was probably Virgin and Child with St. Anne (c.1502-1516). In 1502, he was employed
by General Cesare Borgia as an architect and military engineer, with whom he traveled, mainly through Central Italy, studying terrain and preparing maps for Borgia's future military campaigns.
It was also around that time that the Madonna of the Yarnwinder (1501) was created.

Leonardo da Vinci - Story life - part 6

In the mid- to late- 1480s, when Leonardo was attempting to establish himself as a court artist, he seemed to have started on his huge range of scientific studies, dabbling in botany, anatomy, medicine, architecture, military engineering, geography and many, many other subjects.
We know about his studies from the enormous amount of drawings
and sketches that he left behind.
He worked on the Treatise on Painting, a collection of practical
and theoretical instructions for painters, throughout his entire adult life.

Leonardo da Vinci - Story life - part 5

In 1483, he was commissioned to make the large altar piece The Virgin of the Rocks (1482-1486) for the Franciscan Confraternity in the Church of S. Francesco Grande.
Another version of this picture was created later. Working as court painter and sculptor, he created the Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani (Lady with an Ermine) (c.1490), Portrait of an Unknown Woman (La Belle Ferroniere) (c.1490), several small Madonnas, such as Madonna Litta (c. 1490), and worked on the equestrian statue of Francesco Sforza (father of Ludovico Sforza).
Though he created a huge clay model for the horse, the project was abandoned and never cast in bronze. During this time, Leonardo painted The Last Supper (c.1495-1498) for the refectory of the Dominican Monastery Santa Maria delle Grazie, which is considered the first work of the High Renaissance and is one of his defining works.
His representation of the theme has become the epitome of all Last Supper compositions. Unfortunately, he experimented with the medium
of the painting and this led to damage to the fresco, as the paint began to crumble almost immediately after the fresco was finished.

Leonardo da Vinci - Story life - part 4

In 1482, Leonardo moved to Milan in the hope of obtaining the patronage of the ruler of the city, Ludovico Sforza, also known as Ludovico il Moro ("Ludovico the Moor" or "Ludovico the Dark") for his swarthy features.
Leonardo offered his services as a military engineer, sculptor and painter.
Ludovico accepted gladly, financing an independent workshop for the artist.
Leonardo would stay in Ludovico's service for 18 years.

Leonardo da Vinci - Story life - part 3

Another work of this period, The Annunciation(c.1472-1475) was attributed to Leonardo, but it is likely that the picture was not painted entirely by him.
However, it is generally accepted that the overall composition, the figure of the angel and the landscape are his work.
Other surviving works from this period include Madonna with the Carnation (c.1475), Madonna Benois (c.1475-1478), Portrait of Ginevra de'Benci (c.1478-1480).
Leonardo received a commission to paint an altar piece St. Hieronymus (c.1480-1482), which was never finished, and to create a large panel Adoration of the Magi (1481-1482) for the church in San Donato a Scopeto, which was not finished either.
Unfortunately, Leonardo's tendency to leave work unfinished was as characteristic
of him as his artistic genius.

Leonardo da Vinci - Story life - part 2

The first four years of his life were spent in a village near Vinci with his mother.
After 1457, he lived with his father's family, which soon moved to Florence.
Leonardo showed promise early on, with an innate talent in art and music
and excellent social skills. In 1467, at the age of 15, he became an apprentice to the Florentine painter and sculptor Andrea del Verrocchio, the foremost artist of his day.
Leonardo entered the San Luca guild of painters in Florence in 1472, indicating
that he had attained a degree of professional independence
but he remained with Andrea del Verrocchio until as late as 1480.
His first known work, which he painted as an assistant, is the angel kneeling on the left of Verrocchio's picture The Baptism of Christ (c.1472-1475). Verrocchio, it is said
was so impressed by the implications of his pupil's genius that he gave up painting.

Leonardo da Vinci - Story life - part 1

Leonardo da Vinci was the embodiment of the "Renaissance man", a man who had attained mastery over all branches of art and science.
He was a painter, sculptor, architect and engineer besides being a scholar in the natural sciences, medicine and philosophy.
Leonardo is probably most famous for painting the Mona Lisa, which is one of the world's best-known and most widely recognized works of art.
Leonardo da Vinci was born on the 15th of April, 1452, as the illegitimate son of the notary Ser Piero di Antonio da Vinci and a peasant woman named Caterina
in a small town called Vinci, near Empoli, Tuscany.
Although last names were already in use in Europe at the time, Leonardo never had one. His full name "Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci" means "Leonardo son of Piero from Vinci."