Thursday, October 22, 2009

Brown Bear

The brown bear, also known as a grizzly in North America
is like the bears in Brother Bear.
They are large and are usually a dark brown
but can be a creamy shade or black.
They have long claws on their front paws and have a hump on their shoulders.
Their weight depends on the food available and it is a fact that bears can weigh twice as much in the autumn than in the spring.
The male adults weigh 135 kilograms to 390 kilograms. Cubs at birth weigh 340 to 680 grams.
Brown bears occupy a wide range of places like in eastern and western Europe, Northern Asia, Japan, Northern America, western Canada, Alaska, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and Washington in forest areas
and central plains in mountains and tundra.
Grizzly catching salmon in riverDiet
Brown bears eat mainly vegetation in spring but like
salmon in summer and autumn and would hibernate in winter.
The vegetation they eat is grass, sedge, bulbs and roots.
In some places they also hunt moose, caribou and elk.
Grizzly with cub
The cubs are born from January to March and remain with their mums for two and a half years. They can have one to four cubs, but twins are the most common

American Black Bear - wallpaper

American Black Bear - wallpaper

American Black Bear

American black bears are like all the other bears
we have written about so far in my project.
Although they are usually black they can actually be brown
reddish brown or even white.
The white ones are called Kermode or spirit bears.
An adult black bear can be 130 to 190 centimetres long
and weigh 60 to 300 kilograms depending on how much food is available.
Cubs at birth weigh 225 to 330 grams.
Black bears like forests in Mexico, the United States and Canada
"White" black bear or Spirit bear
Spirit bear
Black bears eat lots of different things depending on what they can find.
They especially like insects and berries, but will sometimes hunt
baby deer and baby moose.
They would also catch salmonBlack bear with cubs in den
Cubs are usually born in January and February ina special den.
There can be 5 to 6 cubs in a litter and they stay with their mum
for one year and a half. In the wild they live up to 20 to 25 years.
They usually have twins.

Asiatic Black Bear - wallpaper

Asiatic Black Bear - wallpaper

Asiatic Black Bear

Asiatic black bears are medium sized
black bears with a distinct white patch on their chests
and have a white spot on their chins. Because of this on their chests people in Asia sometimes
call them Moon bears.
Their ears are good to help them be spotted (it helped me and
my mum work out who was who) because they are bigger than any other bears ears.
They grow to 130 to 190 centimetres long and can weigh 100 to 200 kilograms.
The females are a lot smaller.
They live in forested areas and hill spots of southern Asia Afghanistan, Pakistan, northern India, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Burma, north-eastern China, south-eastern Russia, Taiwan, and on the Japanese islands of Shikoku and Honshu.
They probably don’t hibernate at winter time.
The cubs are born at different times of the year in different countries. They stay with their mums for two or three years. Sometimes the mother bears can be seen with cubs of different ages.
Asiatic black bears like to eat fruits, berries, insects, invertebrates
and small vertebrates and carrion.

Polar bear fur

There’s this myth floating around that polar bear fur is fiber optic.
It’s not. It’s not it’s not it’s not.
The myth goes like this
polar bears are white, but they have to keep warm in the winter.
But white reflects light and heat, so how do they do it?
By having fiber optic fur.
“Fiber optics” are a type of “light pipe” that channels light extraordinarily well, sort of like an electric wire does for electric current.
So, this is supposed to heat them up by channeling light to their black skin.
This is based on research that showed that polar bears are
white to you and me, but don’t emit any ultraviolet (UV) light (they’re black in the ultraviolet).
They thought the UV radiation was being absorbed by fiber optics and transported to the skin. It turns out instead that polar bear
fur just absorbs UV on its own because of what it’s made of.
So this is an example of an early, incorrect science report getting circulated and taking hold in the popular mind.
This myth gets perpetuated by the fact that polar bear fur is hollow.
Fiber optics are also hollow, but not every hollow thing is a fiber optic (this is like the “a square is a rectangle but a rectangle isn’t always a square” thing).

Polar Bear - wallpaper

Polar Bear - wallpaper

Polar Bear

Polar bears are immediately recognisable because of their distinctive white colour of fur. They have a longer head and neck than all
the other bears but have quite small ears.
They have very big front paws, which are great for swimming.
Their feet have special skin underneath which helps them
walk on ice without slipping.
Polar bear walking across iceSize
Polar bears are the world’s biggest carnivore.
The adult males can grow to more
than 800 kilograms. Wow, that’s big! Females are about half the size
of the males and are 190 to 200 centimetres long.
The males are about 250 centimetres long.
Cubs weigh 600 to 700 grams when they are born
Polar bears live on the ice that floats on the sea in the Arctic Circle, although they can be found quite far south in Canada.
Polar bear with cubCubs
Polar bears usually give birth to two cubs (twins) in winter.
The babies stay with their mum for two and a half years.
They normally only give birth every three years
Polar bears like to eat seals, although in the summer time
some berries and grass. They are the most carnivorous of all the bears.
There used to be a polar bear at Belfast Zoo
but it was unhappy so they sent it to another zoo, where they thought
it would have a better life.

Sloth Bear - photo

Sloth Bear - photo

Sloth Bear

Sloth bears are quite small with long shaggy fur, which is usually black.
Their nose is much lighter in colour and their nostrils can be closed or open.
They have a distinctive chest patch, which is white or yellow fur in a U or Y shape.
Adults are around 150 to 190 centimetres long.
Males are bigger than the females and they weigh 80 to 140 kilograms but females only weigh 55 to 95 kilograms Wow!
Sloth bears are mostly found in India and Sri Lanka, but can be found in Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan.
They live in forests and grassland.
They don’t like to live in wet places.
Sloth bears love eating termites.
They have a special gap in their teeth to suck them up.
They can stick out their lips to make a straw and you can hear the noise from over 100 metres awaySloth bear with cubs
They have their babies in winter.
One or two are born in a special den and their mums stay in
there with them for two or three months

Spectacled Bear photo

Spectacled Bear photo

Spectacled Bear

Spectacled bears are black or brown in colour and some even have a slight reddish tinge.
The thing that gives them their name is the creamy white mark around their eyes.
It makes them look like they are wearing glasses (like me but not).
I think they are intelligent and wise.
They are about 150 to 180 centimetres long.
The males may be 30 percent longer than females are.
The female spectacled bear weighs 64 to 82 kilograms but the male weighs 100 to 154 kilograms.
Most cubs at birth weigh 300 to 350 grams and
are born in litters of one, two or occasionally
three cubs between November and February.
Spectacled bears are found in South America.
They live in rain forests, cloud forests, dry forests, steppe and coastal scrub desert, in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.
They are very adaptable, but because their habitat is being destroyed
and because some people keep them as pets, they now mostly live in thick forest.
Spectacled bears eat lots of things. They are omnivores.
They like fruit best.
You can see spectacled bears at Belfast Zoo.
Paddington bear Paddington Bear is a spectacled bear, because he came from “darkest Peru”. The only bears that come from Peru are spectacled bears – the person who drew the pictures must not have known this because he doesn’t look like one.

Sun Bear - wallpaper

Sun Bear - wallpaper

Sun Bear

The sun bear is the smallest member of the bear family.
Adults are round about 120 too 150 centimetres tall
and they weigh 27 to 65 kilograms.
Sun bears are easy to spot with their short sleek black fur
and unusual crescent shaped patch of yellow or white fur on their chest.
Their paws are large with long curved pointed claws
which are good for climbing trees.
Sun bears are found in lowland tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia.
Experts think they sleep in trees (Not the experts silly the bears!)
Sun bear at Belfast zooTheir diet is termites
small mammals, birds, growing tips of palm trees and nests of wild bees.
This means sun bears are omnivores.
Sun bear cub in a treeThe mother bears give birth to one or two cubs.
They each weigh about 325 grams.
They probably stay with their mother until they are fully grown.

panda wallpaper

panda wallpaper

Christmas morning

You know Christmas is coming when the shops start filling with stocking fillers, those books that – the other 11 months of the year – you wouldn’t look twice at.
A lot of publishers rush release sub-standard dreck in order to get barmy grannies to part with what little hard-earned they have left to amuse little Johnny for all of five seconds amid the mad rush of opening presents
on Christmas morning.
For the most part, stocking fillers are a waste of money and a waste of time – both the time of whoever put it together and the time you’d spend actually reading it. Rare indeed is the stocking filler worth time and money.
Thankfully, 100 Facts about Pandas is one of that rare breed.
As the title goes some way to suggest, what
you get for your money is indeed 100 facts about pandas – but the facts are not your run-of-the-mill ‘Pandas like bamboo’/ ‘Pandas have trouble conceiving’ / ‘Pandas are one of
a limited number of black and white animals’ variety. The presence of young David O’Doherty will alert the more culturally cunning among you (O’Doherty is one of those comedians who has been up-and-coming for years, those who are aware of him will vouch for
his unique, offbeat hilariousness – but there are more people who have yet to hear of him than otherwise).
100 Facts about Pandas is largely 100 – whisper it – made up jokes about Pandas.
Did you know for instance that after
concerted effort a group of scientists decided that the collective noun for Pandas was ‘cupboard’ – as in ‘a cupboard of Pandas’?
Or that a cupboard of Pandas will only be
photographed in even numbers (you’ll never find an odd-numbered cupboard)? Another ‘famous’ Panda mis-classification?
They are not considered a mammal – they are considered a nut; which is why Adolf Hitler, a vegetarian, was allowed to feast on pandas.
Oh yes – and all pandas are born female. Males are only created if a panda receives a fright in its first 48 hours of life. This is why some zoos employ panda spookers. Of course.
Comedy is one thing. Visuals are another.
Mike Ahern’s photoshopped pandas (who illustrate each Fact in oblique or explicit ways) provide just as much fun and
amusement as the facts themselves, which – for this reader at the very least – means 100 Facts about Pandas is very probably a book you need to glance through at least twice (putting it at the
very top of all creditable stocking filler lists!).
Any Cop?: If you’ve ever wanted to learn about panda’s homing instincts, usage as spies, or that a panda can travel faster than a cheetah when it runs backwards, 100 Facts about Pandas is undoubtedly for you.

Giant Panda

The Latin name for Giant Panda is Ailuropoda Melaneuca.
The second word means “black and white” in Latin.
The pandas are one of the most recognisable mammals alive
because of their black and white fur. Adult Giant Pandas grow to sizes of 160 to 190 centimetres
and the adults weigh from 70 to 125 kilograms.
The babies would only weigh about 85 to 140 grams.
Giant Pandas live in mountain forests of southwest China.
This is where bamboo grows.
Giant pandas usually live on their own except when producing babies.
This is called a litter of cubs and they give birth to one two or sometimes even three but usually only one survives.
The cub will stay with mum for up to 48 months.
Baby pandas usually live in their mums tummy for three to five months.
The mother panda gives birth in a den she has made in a cave or a hollow tree.
The baby panda is tiny compared with its mum.
It is only 15 centimetres long and weighs only one thousandth the weight of an adult panda.
This panda cub is only one day old and its eyes are still closed.
They will not open until it is 6 weeks old.
Pandas use up to 14 hours a day eating food.
That would take a while but because the bamboo is not so filling it will also eat branches, leaves and small mammals.
They used to be carnivorous, but are now omnivorous, eating meat and plants
I know only two bamboo names, they are the Cold arrow and Walking stick.
Did you also know that pandas unlike us just sleep when they feel like it.
Giant pandas numbers are decreasing rapidly and soon there will not be enough in the world Just to picture how it
looks there are 1,000 giant pandas and more than 6 billion human beings in the world – that means that for every 6 million people on earth just one panda bear!People have found more ways to use bamboo too I hope there is enough to go around. The bamboo is being cut down faster than ever before.
Panda distribution in 1800 and today
This map shows where pandas used to live 200 years ago and where they live now.
One of the biggest threats to pandas is humans because of traditional beliefs that all the skin has magical powers and that their habitat is going as well as their food
because of us thinking it a useful plant too.

Types of Bears

There are eight different types of bear.
They are:-

Giant Panda
Sun Bear

Sloth bear
Polar Bear
Asiatic Black Bear
American Black Bear
Brown Bear

What is the weight of black bear?

Between 350-500 lbs
Most wild male black bears weigh between 125 and 500 pounds, while females generally weigh between 90 and 300 pounds.
Their weight depends upon their age, the season of the year, and how much food is available.
The heaviest wild male black bear known weighed 880 pounds
and the heaviest known female weighed 520 pounds. Black bears in captivity may exceed these records.
The world record weight for an American black bear is 880 pounds.
This was the recorded weight of a 10.75 year-old male bear shot in North Carolina in November 1998.
A black bear was hit and killed by a car near Winnipeg Canada, in 2001.
The official recorded weight was 856.5 pounds, but it is estimated that
the live weight of this large male was more than 886 pounds.
The driver was not injured and there appeared to be little damage to the Mazda.
An 805-pound male American black bear was shot in Manitoba Canada, and in Pennsylvania males fairly consistently reach the record weight of 800+ pounds.
Dear who ever, how much dose an average black bear weigh
a black bear weighs approximately 129.4kg to 159.6kg.

black bear

Their fur can be many colors from tan to brown to black.
Male black bears weigh about 300 pounds.
Females weigh about 150 pounds.
The largest black bears reach up to 600 pounds.

mountain lion drawing

mountain lion drawing

Mountain Lion - wallpaper

Mountain Lion - wallpaper

Mountain Lion - Animal World

The mountain lion is called by more names than any
other Colorado mammal – cougar, puma, panther, catamAlign Rightount or just plain lion – and all connote respect for such a magnificent hunter.
Colorado’s largest cat, adult mountain lions are more than six feet long, with a graceful, black-tipped tail 32 inches long.
They weigh 130 pounds or more. Color is reddish to buffy, paler below.
- Cougars have the largest geographic range of any American native mammal other than humans – from western Canada to Argentina.
Once they ranged from coast to coast in the United States, but today eastern populations are extinct or endangered; the West is their stronghold.
Habitat: In Colorado they are most abundant in foothills, canyons or mesa country.
They are more at home in brushy areas and woodlands than in forests or open prairies.
- Active year round, the lion’s staple diet is deer.
Adults maintain their condition by eating a deer a week. Cougars hunt by stealth, often pouncing on prey from a tree or rock overhanging a game trail.
The deer is often killed cleanly with a broken neck.
The cat gorges on the carcass until it can eat no more, covers the remainder with leaves or conifer needles, then fasts for a few days, digesting and resting.
Reproduction: Mountain lions may breed at any time of year, but mating peaks in the spring. Births are most common in July, after a gestation period of about 14 weeks.
Two or three spotted, fist-sized (about one pound) kittens are a typical litter.
They are weaned about six weeks of age, at about eight times their birth weight.

Mountain Lion

The mountain lion is the largest cat in North America
measuring 2.5 - 3 feet tall at the shoulder and up to 7 feet long
from the nose to the tip of the tail. Yellow to gray in color
it has a black tip at the end of the tail.
The backs of the ears are also dark colored.