Friday, October 30, 2009

Andean Flamingo

Latin Name Phoenicoparrus andinus
Location South America
Colour Pinkish/White
Height 1 - 1.4 m (3.25 - 4.60 ft)
Wingspan 1 - 1.6 m (3.25 - 5.25 ft)
Weight Up to 4 Kgs (8.8 lbs)
Life Expectancy Up to 40 Yrs
Main Characteristics
Andean flamingos reach heights between 1 and 1.4 m (3.25 - 4.60 ft)
they have a wingspan between 1 and 1.6 m (3.25 - 5.25 ft) and they weigh up to 4 kgs (8.8 lbs).
They are light pink in colour with their head, neck and upper breast being darker.
As young birds they are grey
in colour but their plumage slowly turns pink as they mature.
Their long, thin legs and feet are yellow in colour and their large, downward curving bill is yellow with an extensive black tip.
Andean Flamingos have a loud honking
call that is similar to that of a goose they also communicate
using a wing salute, stretching up their neck and flipping up their tail.
Andean Flamingos are found in the lakes and lagoons of the Andes mountains.
They are highly gregarious birds and form flocks containing thousands of individuals.
Andean Flamingos are filter feeders and they mainly
feed upon diatoms and algae.
Andean Flamingos breed in colonies containing thousands of individuals, during December and January. They produce one chalky white
egg that is laid on a mud mound in shallow water. Both parents incubate
the egg which takes 27 - 31 days to hatch.
Upon hatching the chicks are covered in white/grey down feathers and
they are fed a substance called "crop milk" which comes from the parents' upper digestive tract. Either parent can feed the chick this way
and other flamingos can act as foster feeders.
When the chicks are old enough to walk they
gather together in creches that are watched over by a few adult birds.
By the time young flamingos reach 6 - 10 months old they
are ready to fend for themselves and at 3 - 6 years old
they will have reached sexual maturity and gained their full adult plumage.
Andean Flamingos do not have many predators.
Chicks are preyed upon by culpeo foxes and birds of prey.
Interesting Facts
The Andean Flamingo is closely related to the Puna Flamingo.
Flamingo comes from the latin word for flame.
The flamingo's characteristic pink colouring
is caused by the beta carotene in their diet.