Friday, October 30, 2009

Africa - Flamingos

Within our tour group, everyone had a different "favorite African moment."
For me, the #1 Africa moment wasn't hearing the roar of the lion, or the thundering herds of wildebeest, or even the elusive leopard. It was the spectacular sight of two million (or so) pink flamingos at Kenya's Lake Nakuru.
The raucous army (or pat, as a flock of flamingos is called) of graceful pink
and white birds, stretching for miles as far as the eye could see, was an absolutely spectacular sight.
This was the African moment that made me smile the most
and the one that I found hardest to leave behind.
Marching back and forth amidst the crowd were clumps of courting flamingos (above and below) performing an elaborate, synchronized courtship dance.
According to our guide, the groups are usually composed of one male and 2-10 females.
They were like a drill team, performing in perfect synchrony.
When one animal turned left, they all turned left. When one stopped, they all stopped.
It was a hilarious performance to watch.
If I had to choose to see only one thing in Africa
the pink flamingos of Lake Nakuru would be it.