Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Procuress - Dirk van Baburen

Dirck van Baburen (c.1595 – February 21, 1624) was a Dutch painter associated with the Utrecht caravaggisti. Dirck van Baburen's career was short, and only a few of his paintings are known today.
He mostly painted religious subjects in Rome, including the San Pietro
in Montorio Entombment that is indebted to Caravaggio's version of the same subject in the Vatican Museums.
Baburen also painted a Capture of Christ (Borghese Gallery) for Scipione Borghese and Christ Washing the Feet of the Apostles (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) for Vincenzo Giustiniani.
[Oil on canvas, 101.6 x 107.6 cm]